How to punch a punching bag

Punch a Punching Bag


Anteriors Deltoids  work in synergy with your pectoralis major or chest muscles to drive your arm out toward your punch bag.  Sagittal plane Joints-shoulder,elbow

Anteriors Deltoids work in synergy with your pectoralis major or chest muscles to drive your arm out toward your punch bag. Sagittal plane Joints-shoulder,elbow

triceps brachii-Extending your arm   Sagittal plane   Joint-shoulder and elbow  Arm is abducting and elbow is moving from Flexion to extension

triceps brachii-Extending your arm Sagittal plane Joint-shoulder and elbow Arm is abducting and elbow is moving from Flexion to extension

rectus abdominis braces your spine in position  Sagittal plane  Arm is abducting and the elbow is in extension

rectus abdominis braces your spine in position Sagittal plane Arm is abducting and the elbow is in extension

biceps brachii bending your elbow as you pull your arm pack into your guard position, ready to throw more punches.  Sagittal  plane  Arm is adducting and elbow is in Flexion

biceps brachii bending your elbow as you pull your arm pack into your guard position, ready to throw more punches. Sagittal plane Arm is adducting and elbow is in Flexion

Goal Hit the bag quickly and use as much forceps possible to move the bag backwards.

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