How to prune roses in the fall & spring

Roses can be pruned in Spring and Fall. The execution is different. Either prune to promote root growth for Winter or promote cane growth and flowering Summer. ๐ŸŒน


Once established a Rose bush is in need of pruning. This bush has been in one year. I planted last Fall.

Once established a Rose bush is in need of pruning. This bush has been in one year. I planted last Fall.

Gather pruning tool, gloves and long sleeves! Those thorns bite..OUCH! \ud83d\ude01

Gather pruning tool, gloves and long sleeves! Those thorns bite..OUCH! ๐Ÿ˜

Take a good look at the base. See the dead canes? The brown ones? They must be pruned Spring & Fall.

Take a good look at the base. See the dead canes? The brown ones? They must be pruned Spring & Fall.

Pruning out dead canes prevents disease, wind damage and allow for air circulation. See that crossed one the left. In Spring prune the inner one to the ground and any other that cross or touch.

Pruning out dead canes prevents disease, wind damage and allow for air circulation. See that crossed one the left. In Spring prune the inner one to the ground and any other that cross or touch.

Throw directly in the lawn trash. I don't want to come across these again. The first prune is always the worst.

Throw directly in the lawn trash. I don't want to come across these again. The first prune is always the worst.

After pruning out all dead canes, and in Spring the crossed ones, prune the green canes. Knee high in Fall, in Spring prune foot high.

Go from this...

Go from this...

To this.

To this.

But WAIT! Know where to prune on the cane.

Prune above a bud at an angle like this. Above the bud for flowering. At an angle for better healing.

Prune above a bud at an angle like this. Above the bud for flowering. At an angle for better healing.

Rose bush should look like these sad little sticks just standing there through my ivy and mums. ..Of course I'm sure!

Rose bush should look like these sad little sticks just standing there through my ivy and mums. ..Of course I'm sure!

Do I prune Spring\ud83c\udf43 or Fall\ud83c\udf42?

Do I prune Spring๐Ÿƒ or Fall๐Ÿ‚?



Be Ready!  Check what are your local frost dates. \u2744

Be Ready! Check what are your local frost dates. โ„

With minimal pruning a Rose bush can be bushy and beautiful for many years. Enjoy!

  • Established Roses to Prune
  • Pruning Tool
  • Gloves
  • Wear Long Sleeves