How to properly swing a baseball bat

Properly Swing a Baseball Bat


First get in the batter's box, if you are left handed you should be in the left box from the catcher's view and if the are right handed you should be in the right box from the catcher's view.

First get in the batter's box, if you are left handed you should be in the left box from the catcher's view and if the are right handed you should be in the right box from the catcher's view.

you can put your back hand up just like in this picture if you want more time to get ready and the umpire will make sure the pitcher does not pitch in till you are ready.

you can put your back hand up just like in this picture if you want more time to get ready and the umpire will make sure the pitcher does not pitch in till you are ready.

next, bend your knees, bring your bat back and put your back elbow up.

next, bend your knees, bring your bat back and put your back elbow up.

when you see the pitcher starting to wind up start to take a step as shown in the picture it doesn't have to be as big a step as in this  picture you can step as big or small as you need to time it.

when you see the pitcher starting to wind up start to take a step as shown in the picture it doesn't have to be as big a step as in this picture you can step as big or small as you need to time it.

when you see the pitch coming bring your bat back more, start your swing and keep it level keep your eye on the ball all the way to your bat when you make contact keep going, drop your bat and run

when you see the pitch coming bring your bat back more, start your swing and keep it level keep your eye on the ball all the way to your bat when you make contact keep going, drop your bat and run

that is how to properly swing a baseball bat. If you keep it up you could be like this guy and do one of those!

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