How to properly stretch before cycling

Properly Stretch Before Cycling


Each of the following stretches should be held for at least 20 seconds. If you are doing one leg or arm at a time, each stretch should be held for 20 seconds.

Extend the right leg out and fold the left leg into your inner thigh. Take both hands and grasp your right foot and pull yourself downward to touch your head onto your knee. Repeat with your left leg.

Extend the right leg out and fold the left leg into your inner thigh. Take both hands and grasp your right foot and pull yourself downward to touch your head onto your knee. Repeat with your left leg.

Extend your right leg and fold you left leg back.  Take both hands and grasp your right foot and pull your head down to touch your knee. Repeat with your left leg extended and right leg tucked back.

Extend your right leg and fold you left leg back. Take both hands and grasp your right foot and pull your head down to touch your knee. Repeat with your left leg extended and right leg tucked back.

Extend both legs out and put your feet together. Wrap your hand around both feet and pull your body down so your head touches your knees.

Extend both legs out and put your feet together. Wrap your hand around both feet and pull your body down so your head touches your knees.

Put your legs in the butterfly position by touching your feet together. Pulse your legs up and down like butterfly wings.

Put your legs in the butterfly position by touching your feet together. Pulse your legs up and down like butterfly wings.

Remain in the butterfly position and fold your body down toward your feet as far as you can, with the goal of touching your head to your feet.

Remain in the butterfly position and fold your body down toward your feet as far as you can, with the goal of touching your head to your feet.

With your left leg bent, bring your right leg over your left leg as shown.  Support yourself with your arms extended behind your back and hands flat on the ground. Push forward. Repeat with left leg.

With your left leg bent, bring your right leg over your left leg as shown. Support yourself with your arms extended behind your back and hands flat on the ground. Push forward. Repeat with left leg.

Cross your left arm over your body and hold it in place with your right arm as shown.  Repeat with the right arm.

Cross your left arm over your body and hold it in place with your right arm as shown. Repeat with the right arm.

Take your right arm and cross it over your back behind your head.  Reach your left hand up to hold hands with your right hand.  Repeat with the left arm.

Take your right arm and cross it over your back behind your head. Reach your left hand up to hold hands with your right hand. Repeat with the left arm.

You are now properly stretched. Mount your bike!

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