How to properly chop a onion

Properly Chop a Onion


Start with a onion! And a sharp knife!

Start with a onion! And a sharp knife!

Cut off end

Cut off end

And cut off other end!

And cut off other end!

Cut the onion in half! Peel the onion

Cut the onion in half! Peel the onion

Notice the shape of the knife

Notice the shape of the knife

Do Not do this!! Why would you let a sharp knife pass under your hand? You can't see under your hand!

Do Not do this!! Why would you let a sharp knife pass under your hand? You can't see under your hand!

Tap the pic and look at the tip of the knife how it doesn't cut all the way through leaving a hinge to hold it together.

Tap the pic and look at the tip of the knife how it doesn't cut all the way through leaving a hinge to hold it together.

Now start with the knife at a angle and make a cut to what size you want. Each cut reduce the angle till the knife is up again.

Now start with the knife at a angle and make a cut to what size you want. Each cut reduce the angle till the knife is up again.

Half way trough roll the onion down and start over.

Half way trough roll the onion down and start over.

This the hinge chop it to what size you want

This the hinge chop it to what size you want

There you go, just like a pro! A perfect dice!!

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients