How to propagate cactus and succulent cuttings

Succulents are easy to propagate. The steps for different types are usually similar. Cut, callous and plant. New roots will grow soon!!


Clip a piece of succulent and strip the leaves from the bottom two inches the stem.

Clip a piece of succulent and strip the leaves from the bottom two inches the stem.

Wait a few days for the cuts to callous over.

Wait a few days for the cuts to callous over.

Plant in the Cactus Potting Mix and wait. I like to reuse the six packs I get flowers in from the nursery.

Plant in the Cactus Potting Mix and wait. I like to reuse the six packs I get flowers in from the nursery.

These were started four months ago.

These were started four months ago.

Lots of roots.

Lots of roots.

You can also propagate cacti by cutting off one of the pads.

You can also propagate cacti by cutting off one of the pads.

Let it dry for a few days to let it callous over. This piece was left out too long and it already started growing roots.

Let it dry for a few days to let it callous over. This piece was left out too long and it already started growing roots.

Plant in the Cactus Potting mix. Firm the surrounding soil so that it will not tip over.

Plant in the Cactus Potting mix. Firm the surrounding soil so that it will not tip over.

Water sparingly and place in bright, indirect light until new growth forms. New growth means new roots. \ud83d\udc4d

Water sparingly and place in bright, indirect light until new growth forms. New growth means new roots. 👍

This was planted less than three months ago. It has already rooted and is growing two huge pads.

This was planted less than three months ago. It has already rooted and is growing two huge pads.

You can do the same with different succulents. If it grows in segments, it is a good idea to cut at the base of the segment.

You can do the same with different succulents. If it grows in segments, it is a good idea to cut at the base of the segment.

Do the same. Let the cut callous over and plant in the Cactus Potting Mix.

Do the same. Let the cut callous over and plant in the Cactus Potting Mix.

This was planted 10 weeks ago. Yay for new growth!!

This was planted 10 weeks ago. Yay for new growth!!

You can also propagate columnar cacti. This is the middle piece of a columnar cactus my friend gave me. Slice with a sharp knife, let callous over and then plant. Just don't forget what side is up.

You can also propagate columnar cacti. This is the middle piece of a columnar cactus my friend gave me. Slice with a sharp knife, let callous over and then plant. Just don't forget what side is up.

This is the top piece of the cactus in my friend's garden. You can see the new growth.

This is the top piece of the cactus in my friend's garden. You can see the new growth.

This is the original cactus that the two pieces was cut from. It's now growing new columns. \ud83d\udc4d

This is the original cactus that the two pieces was cut from. It's now growing new columns. 👍

  • Cacti or Succulents
  • Plant Pots
  • Garden Shears or Knife
  • Cacti Potting Mix