How to prevent being car sick

Prevent Being Car Sick


Sit in the front row. This usually helps because you can visualize where the motion is coming from.

Sit in the front row. This usually helps because you can visualize where the motion is coming from.

Open the windows! Take a breath of fresh air.

Open the windows! Take a breath of fresh air.

If the nausea is really getting to you, put a blanket over your head. Works like a charm.

If the nausea is really getting to you, put a blanket over your head. Works like a charm.

Take breaks. Step outside and stretch your legs.

Take breaks. Step outside and stretch your legs.

Text a friend. This will help take your mind off things and give your brain something to do.

Text a friend. This will help take your mind off things and give your brain something to do.

Take medication as a last resort.

Take medication as a last resort.

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  • Car ;)