How to prevent being car sick

Prevent Being Car Sick


Try and sit in the middle of the car so you can see the road ( if you can't , don't look out the window as this will increase dizzyness)

Make sure you aren't too hot. Put the ac on or open a window if you get hot and drink plenty of water ( not too much obviously)

Listen to music, this blocks off your attention to the road

Take a sickness tablet

Try and stay positive an happy, sounds weird but it honestly works... Start a conversation, it will give you something to distract you

DON'T - read a magazine or book because it causes you feel dizzy

Don't play any games that involve counting cars etc. As this makes it feel like you are driving faster than you are

Go to sleep...time passes so much quicker when you don't notice it :) have a nice journey

  • Water
  • Headphones