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How to prepare tahini sauce in 3 mins

Tahini sauce is a basic sauce in the Lebanese cuisine. It is also called taratour. It accompanies grilled fish, roasted cauliflower, fried aubergines, added to roasted aubergines makes baba ghannouj ➡


Also the tahini sauce accompanies the shawarma, the falafel, the sweet roasted beet roots . Add cut flat parsley and roasted pine seeds to give it another dimension to accompany the fish.... ETC

In a bowl put 6 TBsp of tahini + 2 TBsp of freshly squeezed lemon + 4TBsp of water + 1 tsp of salt the.....

In a bowl put 6 TBsp of tahini + 2 TBsp of freshly squeezed lemon + 4TBsp of water + 1 tsp of salt the.....

If you add few garlic cloves...then

If you add few garlic cloves...then

You stir and leave in the fridge  until  you  need it.. Then...

You stir and leave in the fridge until you need it.. Then...

  • 6.0Tbsp Tahini
  • 2.0Tbsp Lemon juice
  • 4.0Tbsp Water
  • 2.0 Garlic
  • 1.0tsp Salt