How to prepare & store sweet corn (& treat your dog)

Corn on the cob has been a family favorite for years in our house. We grew it ourselves for years & now get it from farm friends. Tender, freshly picked homegrown is the BEST!


Ready to store in the refrigerator... Seal bag with a twist tie.

Ready to store in the refrigerator... Seal bag with a twist tie.

I dump the husks into my compost bin.

I dump the husks into my compost bin.

To husk, pull most of the silk along with greens.

To husk, pull most of the silk along with greens.

Molly gets the small tip tops.

Molly gets the small tip tops.

I always put SUGAR, not salt in the pot to cook cobs. Salt makes it tough. Sugar enhances its sweet flavor! (1-2 tsps)

I always put SUGAR, not salt in the pot to cook cobs. Salt makes it tough. Sugar enhances its sweet flavor! (1-2 tsps)

Add water

Add water

Bring JUST to boil....  Then remove and cover. Do not boil.

Bring JUST to boil.... Then remove and cover. Do not boil.

Keep covered in hot water. Serve hot.

Keep covered in hot water. Serve hot.

We picked up this handy corn butter-er. You press plastic piece to slide butter out.

We picked up this handy corn butter-er. You press plastic piece to slide butter out.



Great summer meal from our garden! See my guide for how to make these Stuffed Zucchini Boats.

Great summer meal from our garden! See my guide for how to make these Stuffed Zucchini Boats.

This bi-color corn, fresh from the garden, with butter and salt tastes wonderful!

This bi-color corn, fresh from the garden, with butter and salt tastes wonderful!

We used to let Molly eat a warm stripped cob and she loves them but a vet warned us, (& I Googled it further)that corn cobs are dangerous potentially for obstructing their digestive tract!

  • Sweet corn
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Butter & salt