How to prepare pound cake fruit cups

Prepare Pound Cake Fruit Cups


Here are all the ingredients

Here are all the ingredients

Rinse the blueberries

Rinse the blueberries

Rinse the strawberries

Rinse the strawberries

Cut the strawberries

Cut the strawberries

Add the strawberries to a bowl

Add the strawberries to a bowl

Now add the blueberries

Now add the blueberries

Add the raspberry spread with a spoon of water to loosen up the spread. It is very thick

Add the raspberry spread with a spoon of water to loosen up the spread. It is very thick

Mix the fruits and the spread together. Mix it we'll

Mix the fruits and the spread together. Mix it we'll

Put the fruit mix into the pound cake cups

Put the fruit mix into the pound cake cups

Top with whipped cream

Top with whipped cream

And PRESTO there you have it. Mini pound cake fruit cups

  • 3.0 Mini pound cake cups
  • 1.0 Strawberries
  • 1.0 Blueberries
  • 1.0 Whipped Cream
  • Raspberry Spread