How to play trouble

Play Trouble


Are you having Trouble figuring out Trouble?

Are you having Trouble figuring out Trouble?

The purpose of the game is to get all your pieces in finish before the other people get there’s in.

The game materials are the Trouble board, 4 green pawns, 4 blue pawns, 4 yellow pawns, and 4 red pawns.

This is the Trouble board the pawns are in finish

This is the Trouble board the pawns are in finish

The rules are, you push the plastic button in the middle. The plastic button will shake two dice inside of the plastic button and give you your numbers. You move one pawn that amount of numbers...

... then it will be the next persons turn he will repeat. If one of his pawns land on one of your pawns the pawn his pawn landed on will go back to home.

You win by getting all 4 of your pawns in the finish area before the other people get all 4 of their pawns in finish.

There can be up to 4 people per game.

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