How to play triominoes

Play Triominoes


Purpose:The purpose is to get rid of all your triominoes and to put all of them as the same numbers of others.

Purpose:The purpose is to get rid of all your triominoes and to put all of them as the same numbers of others.

Materials:Table,The game itself and Three sided dominoes.

Materials:Table,The game itself and Three sided dominoes.

Description:It\u2019s a game that you have three sided dominoes and you start with seven three sided dominoes. You have a tray that you can use. You need the three sided dominoes and you put it the corner

Description:It’s a game that you have three sided dominoes and you start with seven three sided dominoes. You have a tray that you can use. You need the three sided dominoes and you put it the corner

How to win:The goal to winning is to get rid of all the triominoes. Well that will about rap things up it\u2019s fun for everyone and it\u2019s easy I hope you\u2019ll have fun playing triominoes.

How to win:The goal to winning is to get rid of all the triominoes. Well that will about rap things up it’s fun for everyone and it’s easy I hope you’ll have fun playing triominoes.

  • Table
  • Game
  • Three sided dominoes