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How to play ticket to ride

Play Ticket to Ride


Pass out 4 colored cards to each person and 2 ticket cards.

Pass out 4 colored cards to each person and 2 ticket cards.

Say you have 3 greens and there are 4 in that path you can’t lay 3 trains you need another green. If you have 4 greens you can lay the 4 cards and trains and you own that path.

Say you have 3 greens and there are 4 in that path you can\u2019t lay 3 trains you need another green. If you have 4 greens you can lay the 4 cards and trains and you own that path.

The game ends by running out of trains or some one gets 6 routes done.

The game ends by running out of trains or some one gets 6 routes done.

  • Colored trains
  • Colored cards
  • Ticket cards
  • Board
  • Coast to coast cards
  • Golden tickets