How to play tertiary color mixing relay race

Play Tertiary Color Mixing Relay Race


Here are the basic materials you will need.  Most of these you can already find in your art room.

Here are the basic materials you will need. Most of these you can already find in your art room.

Set-up: Using Sharpie marker, print primary and tertiary color names on separate clear plastic cups.

Set-up: Fill each primary color cup 3/4 full with water. Add yellow, blue and red food coloring to appropriate cup and mix.

Set-up: Create four teams of students. Each team is lined up 20 ft away from tables. Teams will face forwards looking at materials on the banquet tables.

*Note: Keep extra water on hand to refill primary colors. Also, use an empty bucket to dispose mixed water unless playing on lawn. In this case, students can toss mixed colors onto grass.

Object of the game: Be the first team to correctly mix the tertiary colors to win.

Directions for game play: On teachers signal, one student at a time from each team runs to table and chooses one tertiary color to mix. The color wheel comes into play here.

Directions for game play: On teachers signal, one student at a time from each team runs to table and chooses one tertiary color to mix. The color wheel comes into play here.

The student uses the primary colors to mix their chosen tertiary color.

The student uses the primary colors to mix their chosen tertiary color.

Finally, the student pours their mixture into the empty tertiary color cup they chose.  They check their color to see if it's correct. If needed, they can spill out and start again.

Finally, the student pours their mixture into the empty tertiary color cup they chose. They check their color to see if it's correct. If needed, they can spill out and start again.

Once the student feels like their color is mixed correctly, the student runs to the end of their team line. The student at the front of this line then gets to repeat this process.

After all six tertiary colors are made, the teacher checks for accuracy and then declares a winner. Students may send a teammate back to table to correct color if needed.

*Note: Playing multiple games gives all students an opportunity to participate.

  • 4.0 Color Wheel
  • 9.0 Clear Plastic Cups
  • Liquid (not gel) Food Coloring
  • Sharpie marker - black
  • Water
  • Rags for cleaning spills
  • 2.0 Banquet Tables (not necessary)