How to play spoons

Play Spoons


The dealer deals 4 cards to each player. All the players look at their cards, then the dealer starts passing one card at a time to their left after they look at the card.

The person to the dealer\u2019s left looks at the card they are given then decides if they want to keep it because they think they will get, or already have, the three other cards that match.

The person to the dealer’s left looks at the card they are given then decides if they want to keep it because they think they will get, or already have, the three other cards that match.

If they want to keep the new card, they add it to their hand and give a different card to the person to their left. That person does the same. You should only have 4 cards in your hand at a time!

The game continues until someone gets 4 of the same cards and they steal a spoon and hide it, then they keep playing as if nothing happened.

The game continues until someone gets 4 of the same cards and they steal a spoon and hide it, then they keep playing as if nothing happened.

The first person to notice a spoon is missing steals the second spoon, even if they don’t have 4 matching cards. The game keeps going like this until all the spoons are gone.

To finish the game you can either tell the person who lost that the game is done or wait until they notice there are no more spoons.

Over all, I think this game is very fun, especially for people who like a challenge.

Over all, I think this game is very fun, especially for people who like a challenge.

  • 1.0 Deck of cards
  • 1.0 Less spoon than the number of people playing
  • 3.0 Or more people