How to play mastermind

Play Mastermind


How to Play: First the codemaker makes the code. The code has four colors, and the code could have all of the same colors or all different colors. Then the codebreaker tries to figure out the code.

How to Play: First the codemaker makes the code. The code has four colors, and the code could have all of the same colors or all different colors. Then the codebreaker tries to figure out the code.

Directions Continued: If they guess the right color in the wrong place the codemaker puts a little white peg in.If they guess the right color in the right place the codemaker puts a little red peg in.

Directions Continued: If they guess the right color in the wrong place the codemaker puts a little white peg in.If they guess the right color in the right place the codemaker puts a little red peg in.

How to win: The codebreaker tries to figure out the code in 10 tries or less if they do they win. The codemaker wins if the codebreaker can’t figure out the code.

Mastermind set up.

Mastermind set up.

Well why are you still reading, go out and play Mastermind to find out if your a mastermind.

Well why are you still reading, go out and play Mastermind to find out if your a mastermind.

  • 2.0 People
  • 1.0 Game box
  • 1.0 Game Board
  • Colored Pegs
  • Red Pegs
  • White Pegs