How to play man hunt

Play Man Hunt


Gather 10 or more friends.

Gather 10 or more friends.

Pick someone to be it.

Pick someone to be it.

The person who is it counts to 20.

The person who is it counts to 20.

Then the person who is it tries to catch the people who are not it.

Then the person who is it tries to catch the people who are not it.

When the person who was originally it catches someone the person who they caught is it with them.

When the person who was originally it catches someone the person who they caught is it with them.

This keeps on going until nobody is left

This keeps on going until nobody is left

The last person it wins.

The last person it wins.

Strategies: If you are playing at night wear black.

Strategies: If you are playing at night wear black.

Strategies: Find a good hiding spot especially if you are playing at night.

Strategies: Find a good hiding spot especially if you are playing at night.

Strategy: Be quiet in your hiding spot.

Strategy: Be quiet in your hiding spot.

In conclusion have a fun time playing man hunt!

In conclusion have a fun time playing man hunt!

  • 10.0 players or more
  • big field