Gather all materials. You will need to have a ChuckIt!® ball launcher, a ChuckIt!® rubber ball, and a dog willing to play a game of fetch.
Go to a large backyard, or field that allows for dogs to run around off-leash.
STEP 1: Load rubber ball into the ball launcher.
STEP 2: Get ready to launch the ball by leaning your body weight on your back leg. Hold the ball launcher with your dominant hand and raise it high up over your shoulder.
STEP 3: Launch! Lean your weight forward on your opposite leg as you begin to launch the ball. Swing your arm above your head and over your shoulder towards the ground ahead of you.
CAUTION: Keep elbow in line with shoulder to prevent hitting the back of your head with the ChuckIt!® ball launcher when launching.
STEP 4: The rubber ball will release itself from the ball launcher when it reaches the highest point of your swing. While the ball may leave, DO NOT let go of the ball launcher during this step!
STEP 5: Order the dog to drop the ball upon return. (This might be difficult depending on the dog.)
STEP 6: Repeat as needed (or until dog is too tired to play 😄).
Ready to launch... Remember, your body weight shifts from the back leg to the front leg as you get ready to swing the ChuckIt!® ball launcher forward.
- 1.0 ChuckIt!® Ball Launcher, medium
- 1.0 ChuckIt!® ball, medium (or a regular tennis ball)
- 1.0 Dog
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