How to play basic piano in middle c position

Learn to play piano in middle c position for 4/4 time with your right hand.

10 Steps

Find middle c  on the piano

Find middle c on the piano

Position right thumb on middle c

Place the rest of your fingers on the next four keys without skipping any.

Place the rest of your fingers on the next four keys without skipping any.

The names of the next keys are: d,e,f,g

The names of the next keys are: d,e,f,g

Finger I is on c, 2 is on d, 3 is on e, 4 is on f, and 5 is on g

Finger I is on c, 2 is on d, 3 is on e, 4 is on f, and 5 is on g

Choose a song you would like to play

Choose a song you would like to play

This is what the notes look like on the scale

This is what the notes look like on the scale

Make sure that your choice of song is a right hand only song and that it is in middle c position

Play your choice of song

With some practice you will be able to play simple songs with your right hand

  • Piano
  • Primer level lesson book