How to play a decent opening in chess: sicilian defense!
This guide teaches you the Sicilian Defense, which is a solid opening against white's most common opening move: pawn to e4.
White plays e4 (most people open this way, I swear). You will have a good defense, if you follow along...
"Never go against a Sicilian when DEATH is on the line! a hahaha!" Some people will balk at an unfamiliar c5. Most casual players rarely ever see it and may think you crazy. Excellent!
Nf3 might come next... then what?
OK we know she's onto us! Nf3 is the most frequent response so we'll go from there... There are many variations tho. The goal is to eventually open the c-file, and perhaps mount a queen-side assault!
The majority of folks opt for d6 here. Meh?
...d6 is not always my style, but perhaps it's yours? I like to try (and fail!) several variations of an opening before I settle into something I like. Even then, it's important to be able to adapt!
What about ... Nc6?
I like the ole Nc6. Perhaps it's "wrong" but the game is young yet. Black developed a knight and created a nice diagonal for the queen instead of a bishop. The c-file is closed, for now...
At some point, in all likelihood, white will offer a pawn swap - d4, for example. Accept the offer and see what happens. It's a fair trade and is part of the overall strategy. (d4...cxd4)
a material trade is looming
White should probably recapture material immediately. She had better believe that d-pawn will prove a nuisance as the game progresses. May as well balance things out with Nxd4.
Black now has several options to consider...
...Nxd4 is one option but has some drawbacks
We want to think about developing more pieces, and knights are good candidates. They control multiple, unconnected squares and it's important to get them active early. It just is - trust.
...Nf6 is popular. It attacks the e-pawn, which cannot advance due to the black, c6-knight. Attacking the defenseless, in chess, is fully respectable behavior - odd, that.
or ...g6?
...g6. A bit subtle. It prepares for a "fianchetto", where you tuck the bishop in on g7, then, ...Nf6, and finally castle kingside (...0-0). But if you're going to do this then I say start with Nf6?
Nothing wrong with d5. It takes a piece of the middle, but realize, it will probably force you to bring your queen out. Not always a great idea. The center will be wide-open. Fully debatable move!
Consider ... e5
Black benefits in a few ways: 1- The knight will be evicted from d4. He must move or attack. 2- The king's bishop / queen have a new diagonal. Cons: he might just take the knight, closing c-file :/
Did you see this one yet? (...Qa5+)!
This, would perhaps be premature, so file it away for later mischief. Or, hell, DO IT, and watch your opponent's reaction! Just have fun and try a few things... No big deal.
Has your head exploded yet?
Remember: chess is a thinking person's game, but it doesn't have to be so complicated! The goals of ANY opening are to: develop pieces, control the center, prepare some attack plans, protect royalty.
Try some of these variations and learn from your mistakes and successes. Have fun! Thanks for reading!
- Chessboard
- Knowledge of Chess coordinates and notation.
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