How to pitch planet of the squirrels



It's not easy to get your app noticed on the App Store, so I decided to make a bunch of poster to help promote it.

It's not easy to get your app noticed on the App Store, so I decided to make a bunch of poster to help promote it.

Here's a more abstract poster.

Here's a more abstract poster.

Here's one the follows the narrative more.

Here's one the follows the narrative more.

Pots is loosely based on the planet of the apes, so here is a defining poster.

Pots is loosely based on the planet of the apes, so here is a defining poster.

Here's King squirrel.

Here's King squirrel.

I also wanted to attract an Asian market so I decided to create this mech monster poster.

I also wanted to attract an Asian market so I decided to create this mech monster poster.

Here's a still from the app. The spaceship comes into the atmosphere.

Here's a still from the app. The spaceship comes into the atmosphere.

Please check out my iOS app. PLANET OF THE SQUIRRELS.   Poor Waterbong was smoking too much doobie.

Please check out my iOS app. PLANET OF THE SQUIRRELS. Poor Waterbong was smoking too much doobie.

  • Sharpie
  • Xcode