How to pill your pet

Pill Your Pet


Pill Push Method: Place pill in the back of your pet's mouth and close it. As soon as you think your pet has swallowed the pill, offer him a tasty treat!

Pill Push Method: Place pill in the back of your pet's mouth and close it. As soon as you think your pet has swallowed the pill, offer him a tasty treat!

Pill Crush: Some dog medications can be crushed and mixed into food. One of our favorites to use is coconut oil. Your veterinarian can give you guidance on whether a medication can be crushed or not.

Pill Crush: Some dog medications can be crushed and mixed into food. One of our favorites to use is coconut oil. Your veterinarian can give you guidance on whether a medication can be crushed or not.

Pill Pockets: You can insert the pill into the pill pocket to make it look like a dog treat. These can be bought at your local grocery store or pet supply store.

Pill Pockets: You can insert the pill into the pill pocket to make it look like a dog treat. These can be bought at your local grocery store or pet supply store.

Food Method: Choose a food that can be easily formed around the pill. Some great ones to use are  peanut butter, cream cheese or a cube of hot dog.

Food Method: Choose a food that can be easily formed around the pill. Some great ones to use are peanut butter, cream cheese or a cube of hot dog.

Pill Gun: You can use a pill gun to insert tablets and capsules into your animals mouth easily. This can be purchased at your vets office or a local pet supply store.

Pill Gun: You can use a pill gun to insert tablets and capsules into your animals mouth easily. This can be purchased at your vets office or a local pet supply store.

  • 1.0 Hot dogs
  • 1.0 Pill pockets
  • 1.0Tbsp Coconut oil
  • 1.0 Pill gun