How to phases,words,and alphabet in sign language

Phases,words,and Alphabet in Sign Language


Btw with spelling words u dont stay right in front of u,u do it like how u read a book and ill show u how to do that in Part:words













"F" watch out this gets confused with "d" but remember F is three finger and D is one finger up

"F" watch out this gets confused with "d" but remember F is three finger and D is one finger up





"I" this gets confused with"J" and "Y"

"I" this gets confused with"J" and "Y"



"L" easy

"L" easy



"N".Got your Nose!!

"N".Got your Nose!!



"P"Side ways "k"

"P"Side ways "k"



















Part Words:

A "w" but bring it to ur chin and its*water*

A "w" but bring it to ur chin and its*water*





I have a couple more but i have to go to sleep so yeah night have fun doing American sign language

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