How to perform plank progressions

Planks are an ideal way to work the entire body while challenging the core. A great way to build abdominals, arm and back strength. Form is key so pay attention on keeping your spine neutral. Enjoy!


LOW PLANK PREP- Start on forearms knees on floor,  spine neutral.  Hold for 30 second intervals.  Increase time held as strength improves. Once you can hold 2 minutes try FULL LOW PLANK

LOW PLANK PREP- Start on forearms knees on floor, spine neutral. Hold for 30 second intervals. Increase time held as strength improves. Once you can hold 2 minutes try FULL LOW PLANK

1. LOW PLANK-    Start on forearms knees off floor,  spine neutral.  Hold for 30 second intervals.  Increase time held as strength improves.

1. LOW PLANK- Start on forearms knees off floor, spine neutral. Hold for 30 second intervals. Increase time held as strength improves.

1. FLOOR TO HIGH PLANK PREP- keep knees on mat extend elbows and lift torso and thighs into a plank.  Maintain a neutral spine.

1. FLOOR TO HIGH PLANK PREP- keep knees on mat extend elbows and lift torso and thighs into a plank. Maintain a neutral spine.

2. FLOOR TO HIGH PLANK PREP -     Lower torso to a hover by flexing elbows.  Try to hold position for 14 seconds.  Keep  hips neutral (no pelvic tilt).

2. FLOOR TO HIGH PLANK PREP - Lower torso to a hover by flexing elbows. Try to hold position for 14 seconds. Keep hips neutral (no pelvic tilt).

1. PLANK WALK OUTS-  start on hands and knees,  hands under shoulders,  knees under hips. Keep spine neutral.

1. PLANK WALK OUTS- start on hands and knees, hands under shoulders, knees under hips. Keep spine neutral.

2. PLANK WALK OUTS-   Maintaining neutral spine push into feet and hands to lift and  hover knees 2-4 inches off mat.   Keep abdominals contracted isometrically

2. PLANK WALK OUTS- Maintaining neutral spine push into feet and hands to lift and hover knees 2-4 inches off mat. Keep abdominals contracted isometrically

3. PLANK WALK OUTS-  Extend right knee and hip  so right leg is straight.  Make sure your torso, hips shoulders and arms remain still and level.

3. PLANK WALK OUTS- Extend right knee and hip so right leg is straight. Make sure your torso, hips shoulders and arms remain still and level.

4. PLANK WALK OUTS-  Extend left knee and hip  so left leg is straight.  Both legs are now long.  Make sure your torso, hips shoulders and arms remain still and level.

4. PLANK WALK OUTS- Extend left knee and hip so left leg is straight. Both legs are now long. Make sure your torso, hips shoulders and arms remain still and level.

4. PLANK WALK OUTS-  Flex right knee and hip knee and hip  returning foot to its start position.

4. PLANK WALK OUTS- Flex right knee and hip knee and hip returning foot to its start position.

5. PLANK WALK OUTS- Flex left knee and hip so that you return to the knee hovering position with the spine neutral.

5. PLANK WALK OUTS- Flex left knee and hip so that you return to the knee hovering position with the spine neutral.

1. FLOOR TO HIGH PLANK -     Start on your front with hands by chest elbows up to ceiling .

1. FLOOR TO HIGH PLANK - Start on your front with hands by chest elbows up to ceiling .

2. FLOOR TO HIGH PLANK-  Activate quads, chest, triceps, and abdominals. Pushing into floor hover your body as close to the floor as you can.  You can modify by leaving knees down.

2. FLOOR TO HIGH PLANK- Activate quads, chest, triceps, and abdominals. Pushing into floor hover your body as close to the floor as you can. You can modify by leaving knees down.

3. FLOOR TO HIGH PLANK- extend elbows and lift torso and thighs into a plank

3. FLOOR TO HIGH PLANK- extend elbows and lift torso and thighs into a plank

1. KNEE TO CHEST-  Start in high plank. Maintaining shoulder and hip alignment draw one knee towards chest

1. KNEE TO CHEST- Start in high plank. Maintaining shoulder and hip alignment draw one knee towards chest

2. KNEE TO CHEST WITH ROTATION-  hold knee to chest position and turn hips and chest to one side (opposite elbow will flex)

2. KNEE TO CHEST WITH ROTATION- hold knee to chest position and turn hips and chest to one side (opposite elbow will flex)

3. KNEE TO CHEST WITH ROTATION AND KNEE EXTENSION-  after rotation extend lifted knee. Try not to free leg lower to mat as knee extends.

3. KNEE TO CHEST WITH ROTATION AND KNEE EXTENSION- after rotation extend lifted knee. Try not to free leg lower to mat as knee extends.

1. LOW PLANK TO HIGH PLANK- start on forearms with spine neutral and elbows under shoulders

1. LOW PLANK TO HIGH PLANK- start on forearms with spine neutral and elbows under shoulders

2. LOW PLANK TO HIGH PLANK-    Place left hand where left elbow is and extend elbow

2. LOW PLANK TO HIGH PLANK- Place left hand where left elbow is and extend elbow

3. LOW PLANK TO HIGH PLANK-     Place right hand where right elbow is and extend elbow to HIgh Plank

3. LOW PLANK TO HIGH PLANK- Place right hand where right elbow is and extend elbow to HIgh Plank

4. LOW PLANK TO HIGH PLANK-      Lower left elbow where left hand was

4. LOW PLANK TO HIGH PLANK- Lower left elbow where left hand was

5. LOW PLANK TO HIGH PLANK-    Lower right elbow where right hand was returning back to low plank

5. LOW PLANK TO HIGH PLANK- Lower right elbow where right hand was returning back to low plank

1. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK Start in high plank with neutral spine alignment.

1. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK Start in high plank with neutral spine alignment.

2. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK Lower body down towards floor by flexing elbows. ( avoid stomach sagging or head dropping first)

2. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK Lower body down towards floor by flexing elbows. ( avoid stomach sagging or head dropping first)

3. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK Extend elbows and while pushing up lift left hand off floor rotating torso, legs and hips to face left.  Maintain neutral spine throughout

3. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK Extend elbows and while pushing up lift left hand off floor rotating torso, legs and hips to face left. Maintain neutral spine throughout

3. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK Rotate back to floor simultaneously flexing elbows and lowering to a hovering plank.

3. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK Rotate back to floor simultaneously flexing elbows and lowering to a hovering plank.

6. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK Extend elbows and while pushing up lift right hand off floor rotating torso, legs and hips to face left.  Maintain neutral spine throughout

6. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK Extend elbows and while pushing up lift right hand off floor rotating torso, legs and hips to face left. Maintain neutral spine throughout

6. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK  Return to HIgh Plank to finish.

6. HIGH PLANK WITH PUSH UP INTO SIDE PLANK Return to HIgh Plank to finish.

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