How to pair bbq chicken and salad

Pair BBQ Chicken and Salad


Buy pre cut kale and cabage and add a handful of dried crandberries and roasted pumpkin seeds

Buy pre cut kale and cabage and add a handful of dried crandberries and roasted pumpkin seeds

add seasme seed salad dressing to the salad and mix

add seasme seed salad dressing to the salad and mix

should have a sinimlar consistancy of this picture.

should have a sinimlar consistancy of this picture.

cook the pasta and let cool then add the diced up vegetables. Ganerasly add the yogurt to create the thick consistancy and a small amount of hot chilli pepper jelly for flavour and kick. Then mix.

cook the pasta and let cool then add the diced up vegetables. Ganerasly add the yogurt to create the thick consistancy and a small amount of hot chilli pepper jelly for flavour and kick. Then mix.

BBQ the chicken until it is completly white inside and out. Then add original bulleye BBQ sauce generuously to the chicken and evenly disperst it onto the chicken.

BBQ the chicken until it is completly white inside and out. Then add original bulleye BBQ sauce generuously to the chicken and evenly disperst it onto the chicken.

Finally you will have a full plate of flavours including creamy pasta, light kale salad and high protein chicken with BBQ sauce.

  • kale and cabage salad
  • pumkin seeds
  • dried crandberries
  • roasted seasame seeds
  • plain yogurt
  • hot chilli pepper jelly
  • red pepper
  • yellow pepper
  • onion
  • pasta
  • boneless skinless chicken breast
  • original bullseye BBQ sauce