How to paint musical nail art

Paint Musical Nail Art


There are SOO many guides on how to paint fingernails but hardly any on how to paint toenails, so I decided to make one... Enjoy

This will be the end result :)

This will be the end result :)

Before i start i like to put the nail polish remover in a small container so its easier to dip the paint brush into it. This is used to clean the paint brush when changing colors

Before i start i like to put the nail polish remover in a small container so its easier to dip the paint brush into it. This is used to clean the paint brush when changing colors

First paint a base coat the color of your choice.

First paint a base coat the color of your choice.

On one big toe you will be painting something along the lines of this, a treble clef (if you do not know how to draw one just comment and i will make a quick guide :)

On one big toe you will be painting something along the lines of this, a treble clef (if you do not know how to draw one just comment and i will make a quick guide :)

Put some black nail polish on the end of the fine paint brush and paint on the treble clef (Sorry about the picture quality)

Put some black nail polish on the end of the fine paint brush and paint on the treble clef (Sorry about the picture quality)

If you stuff up you can touch it up with red or completely wash off the black (in the remover) and use the wet brush to clean the nail polish off where you want it off, if that makes sense :P

Now add some white dots for decoration

Now add some white dots for decoration

Now using the same ideas paint this (a bass clef) on your other big toe

Now using the same ideas paint this (a bass clef) on your other big toe

Paint with black...

Paint with black...

And white dots

And white dots

You can also add a little music notes to one of your other toes

You can also add a little music notes to one of your other toes

And there you have it, musical toenails! Just add a top coat and your done!

And there you have it, musical toenails! Just add a top coat and your done!

P.S Heres a Tip... When painting my toenails i like to put tissues between my toes to separate them since I don't have one of those fancy things

Thanks for reading my Guide! If you have any questions, just comment them

  • Nail polish remover
  • Base color nail polish (I use red)
  • Black nail polish
  • White nail polish
  • Top coat
  • Tissues (for between toes)
  • Fine paint brush (or striper)