How to paint baby seal with your fingers

Yet another creature harmed by global warming. Let's get her on canvas!


Prime your canvas with a thin coat of liquid white mixed with a dash of Prussian Blue.

Prime your canvas with a thin coat of liquid white mixed with a dash of Prussian Blue.

Hold your subject up to the canvas and sketch the basic figure onto the canvas using a fingernail.

Hold your subject up to the canvas and sketch the basic figure onto the canvas using a fingernail.

Sketch complete. Let's fingerpaint!

Sketch complete. Let's fingerpaint!

Different values of blues and whites make up the background. I started with a light blue sky and worked my way down the canvas.

Different values of blues and whites make up the background. I started with a light blue sky and worked my way down the canvas.

Add a little black for a shadow under the figure. While your hand is dirty, check for any dark shadows in the landscape above.

Add a little black for a shadow under the figure. While your hand is dirty, check for any dark shadows in the landscape above.

Titanium white on your fingers and add the highlights on the seal as well as some snow in the foreground.

Titanium white on your fingers and add the highlights on the seal as well as some snow in the foreground.

Using just a touch of ochre mixed in the white for the warm color on the seal.

Using just a touch of ochre mixed in the white for the warm color on the seal.

Add some black to a pinky and work on shadows on the feet and the face.

Add some black to a pinky and work on shadows on the feet and the face.

Second coat of black.

Second coat of black.



Eye highlights with the liner brush and some liquid white.

Eye highlights with the liner brush and some liquid white.

A little more white & ochre mix around the head.

A little more white & ochre mix around the head.

Sign with your pinky. #SaveTheArctic

  • Canvas
  • Oil paints
  • Paper plates
  • Paper towels
  • Large chip brush
  • Liner brush