How to paint a ying yang flower bg

Paint a Ying Yang Flower Bg


These are my colors

These are my colors

Let dry

Let dry

Ran out of room for videos

Ran out of room for videos

Let dry for a while

Next were gonna make the ying yang

Then I outlined where my ying yang is going to be

Then I outlined where my ying yang is going to be

I put mod podge where white is gonna be so that the green doesn't show through-->

I put mod podge where white is gonna be so that the green doesn't show through-->

Painted the other side black

Painted the other side black

Added my white

Added my white

All that's left is my signature, which I put in bottom left

Thx for taking time to look at my tutorial

  • Canvas
  • Brushes (paint brushes)
  • Paints