How to pack your perfect purse

Pack Your Perfect Purse


First, chose your bag.  Use a bag that is just big enough for your needs, but not huge.  For me this bag is just right.

First, chose your bag. Use a bag that is just big enough for your needs, but not huge. For me this bag is just right.

This is the makeup I use on a daily basis.

This is the makeup I use on a daily basis.

And this is what I carry if I'm doing something right after school and won't have time to go home and spiff up my look.

And this is what I carry if I'm doing something right after school and won't have time to go home and spiff up my look.

And this is what I keep in my purse on a normal day.  For me acne medication is a must, as are nail clippers.  I carry two lip balms, but you MIGHT want mascara OR eyeliner.  But just one. REALLY!

And this is what I keep in my purse on a normal day. For me acne medication is a must, as are nail clippers. I carry two lip balms, but you MIGHT want mascara OR eyeliner. But just one. REALLY!

If you need lotion do not bring this.....

If you need lotion do not bring this.....

Bring this instead!

Bring this instead!

And I use this Modessa mirror, but again it's optional.

And I use this Modessa mirror, but again it's optional.

I carry just a few ibuprofen and Benadryl but only a FEW!!!

I carry just a few ibuprofen and Benadryl but only a FEW!!!

Here is my wallet, I only keep a few bucks in it but enough for the day.

Here is my wallet, I only keep a few bucks in it but enough for the day.

Here are my (I know they're cheap) headphones, but you might want earbuds.

Here are my (I know they're cheap) headphones, but you might want earbuds.

I also keep a few packs of gum (but I really only need one)

I also keep a few packs of gum (but I really only need one)

If you have or want to carry your tablet and/or phone with you.

Now it's time to start packing your purse!

I use this little packet for my tablet.

I use this little packet for my tablet.

This medium sized one for my makeup.

This medium sized one for my makeup.

And the big one for my headphones and wallet, plus any miscellaneous stuff I have (I try not to but........)

And the big one for my headphones and wallet, plus any miscellaneous stuff I have (I try not to but........)

And that is how I pack my purse! Again you can change this to fit your needs.

  • Purse
  • Makeup
  • Money/wallet
  • Electronics
  • Medications (if you need them)
  • Headphones/earbuds
  • Gum