How to pack a carton

Pack a Carton


Gather all the supplies that you need to pack the order.  Be "green" and reuse cartons whenever possible.

Gather all the supplies that you need to pack the order. Be "green" and reuse cartons whenever possible.

After the order has been picked, evaluate the contents of the order by size, weight, and quantity. You will need to select a carton or cartons that the order will fit into.

After the order has been picked, evaluate the contents of the order by size, weight, and quantity. You will need to select a carton or cartons that the order will fit into.

Select the heaviest and most bulky items to place in the box first. For this order it was the reams of lined paper.

Select the heaviest and most bulky items to place in the box first. For this order it was the reams of lined paper.

Add items to the box as you work your way down in size and weight of the items. Keep the items as organized as possible as you place them into the carton.

Add items to the box as you work your way down in size and weight of the items. Keep the items as organized as possible as you place them into the carton.

As you place the items into the carton, verify that the item description, item number and quantity of each item matches the order. Use the pen to check off that you have verified each item.

As you place the items into the carton, verify that the item description, item number and quantity of each item matches the order. Use the pen to check off that you have verified each item.

Try to place the items into the carton to utilize the space has efficiently as possible.

Try to place the items into the carton to utilize the space has efficiently as possible.

Try to keep like items in the same location or area of the box.

Try to keep like items in the same location or area of the box.

Place items in the box so that they will be most secure. The stapler could have been stood up but it would not have been as secure as it is when it is laid on its side.

Place items in the box so that they will be most secure. The stapler could have been stood up but it would not have been as secure as it is when it is laid on its side.

Continue to fill the box with the items.

Continue to fill the box with the items.

Continue to utilize the space properly until all items have been placed in the box.

Continue to utilize the space properly until all items have been placed in the box.

After each item has been verified and placed into the carton, initial the order with your initials that the order has been completely checked and is accurate.

After each item has been verified and placed into the carton, initial the order with your initials that the order has been completely checked and is accurate.

Add dunnage to the carton to fill the empty space. Be sure to not overfill the carton with dunnage. The dunnage should secure the order so the items do not freely move around inside the box.

Add dunnage to the carton to fill the empty space. Be sure to not overfill the carton with dunnage. The dunnage should secure the order so the items do not freely move around inside the box.

Turn in the small flaps on each side of the carton.

Turn in the small flaps on each side of the carton.

Next, turn in the large flaps of the box so that they meet in the center and are aligned.

Next, turn in the large flaps of the box so that they meet in the center and are aligned.

Hold the flaps closed with your left hand as you take the tape gun and secure the tape on the far end of the box.

Hold the flaps closed with your left hand as you take the tape gun and secure the tape on the far end of the box.

Pull the tape gun towards you as tape is dispensed from the tape gun.

Pull the tape gun towards you as tape is dispensed from the tape gun.

Pull the tape gun over the edge of the carton and secure it to the side of the box. Cut the tape by applying pressure and tilting slightly forward so that the teeth of the tape gun cut the tape.

Pull the tape gun over the edge of the carton and secure it to the side of the box. Cut the tape by applying pressure and tilting slightly forward so that the teeth of the tape gun cut the tape.

Run your hand over the tape to apply thermal pressure and to ensure that the tape is secured to the box.

Run your hand over the tape to apply thermal pressure and to ensure that the tape is secured to the box.

One last step would be to make sure that the box is not too heavy for someone else to lift.

One last step would be to make sure that the box is not too heavy for someone else to lift.

Your box is now ready to ship.

  • 1.0 Order
  • 1.0 Empty box
  • 1.0 Tape gun
  • 1.0 Pen
  • Dunnage