How to open a cd case completely without breaking it

Open a Cd Case Completely Without Breaking It


Take the cd.

Take the cd.

Open the cd case.

Open the cd case.

Take out the cd,booklet and flyers.

Take out the cd,booklet and flyers.

Take off this part.

Take off this part.

Push the cd holder up so it can go off.ATTENTION:it may make a breaking noise.Don't worry,it's not broken.

Push the cd holder up so it can go off.ATTENTION:it may make a breaking noise.Don't worry,it's not broken.

The cd holder now lifted.

The cd holder now lifted.

Slide gently to the outside.

Slide gently to the outside.

There you go!

There you go!

Thanks for watching/reading!Sorry for my bad english,i'm a french canadian!Follow and i follow back! ;)

  • Cd Case
  • Hands