How to observe negative space
This assignment is taken from Betty Edward's Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.
Observe the chair through your view finder. Zoom in and out until the chair touches 2 or more sides of the view finder.
Mark your view finder where the chair touches.
Transfer your marks to your paper.
Notice places where the chair almost touches and mark those too.
Mark it on your paper.
See the negative spaces created between the chair and the view finder first.
Create those negatives spaces first.
Look at the interior negative spaces next.
Begin to place those on your paper.
Student rough draft on newsprint.
Student rough draft on newsprint.
To begin the final drawing tone a sheet of drawing paper medium grey with graphite stick.
Lightly draw the negative spaces again.
Make changes as needed.
Erase either the negative space or the positive space.
Erase either the negative space or the positive space.
- View finder
- Paper
- Graphite.