How to name your cat or kitten

Name Your Cat or Kitten


Use human names like "Max" or "Sarah"

Use human names like "Max" or "Sarah"

Tip: get a baby name book or look for names and their meanings on the internet

Tip: get a baby name book or look for names and their meanings on the internet

Find a name that suits their personality or traits. "Itchy" could be a name for a cat who scratches themselves a lot, or "Valentine" for an affectionate cat

Find a name that suits their personality or traits. "Itchy" could be a name for a cat who scratches themselves a lot, or "Valentine" for an affectionate cat

Pick a name based on their physical characteristics. "Fluffy" would suit a long-haired breed, "Stripe" would suit a tabby cat, and "Spot" is great for a calico!

Use a pair of names if you have two new cats or kittens. "Tom" and "Jerry", or "Bonny" and "Clyde" are both good examples

Use a pair of names if you have two new cats or kittens. "Tom" and "Jerry", or "Bonny" and "Clyde" are both good examples

Try and keep the existing name of an adult cat, even if you don't like it, it will make the transition to a new environment easier and they'll feel more comfortable hearing an old familiar name.

Try and keep the existing name of an adult cat, even if you don't like it, it will make the transition to a new environment easier and they'll feel more comfortable hearing an old familiar name.

Tip: kittens are more adaptable to new names

Tip: kittens are more adaptable to new names

Choose a practical name that's not too long or embarrassing. Remember, a cats name is for life and shouldn't be changed over time

Choose a practical name that's not too long or embarrassing. Remember, a cats name is for life and shouldn't be changed over time

Pick a name for your cat as soon as possible before bringing it home, so they'll feel more secure in the environment and will be easier to train.

Pick a name for your cat as soon as possible before bringing it home, so they'll feel more secure in the environment and will be easier to train.

Did you know? President Abraham Lincoln had the White House's first  cat, named "Tabby"

Did you know? President Abraham Lincoln had the White House's first cat, named "Tabby"

  • New cat
  • Optional: a baby name book
  • Optional: Internet access