How to my version of banana pudding

My Version of Banana Pudding


Peel the bananas and line them up and start cutting

Peel the bananas and line them up and start cutting

After they are cut place them into a bowl

After they are cut place them into a bowl

In a separate bowl mix the rest of the ingredients together. I prefer a whisk over a mixer.

In a separate bowl mix the rest of the ingredients together. I prefer a whisk over a mixer.

Layer pan or casserole dish with wafers then bananas and followed by your pudding mix and repeat until your pudding mix is gone.

This is the end results... Now place in the fridge for two hours or until it is firm, then enjoy :-)

  • 5.0 Bananas
  • 14.0oz Sweetened condensed milk
  • 8.0oz Whipped cream
  • 8.0oz Cream cheese
  • 2.0 Boxes of vanilla wafers
  • 2.0c Cold milk
  • 3.0 1.5oz instant vanilla pudding boxes