How to mine in minecraft (mining techniques)

Mine in Minecraft (Mining Techniques)


First of all, your going to have to mine your mine....

First of all, your going to have to mine your mine....

With one of these

With one of these

I make a landmark where my mines are either by this

I make a landmark where my mines are either by this

A tower beacon kinda thing

Or I just place blocks round it like so

The first mining technique will be revealed when I get down to bedrock

The first mining technique will be revealed when I get down to bedrock

Still walking

Still walking

There. This is the 8th block up from bedrock. This is my lucky diamond level. What I do is make a doorway either side of level 8....,

There. This is the 8th block up from bedrock. This is my lucky diamond level. What I do is make a doorway either side of level 8....,

And mine a big room. I extend the size of the room by going around the outside and making it bigger

And mine a big room. I extend the size of the room by going around the outside and making it bigger

I also bring a furnace and a crafting table into each room so i haven't got to go all the way back up to my house to craft and smelt my findings

I also bring a furnace and a crafting table into each room so i haven't got to go all the way back up to my house to craft and smelt my findings

Also, at the bottom i do the same again but around the outside, on every other block, i make a huge path to the edge of the world

Also, at the bottom i do the same again but around the outside, on every other block, i make a huge path to the edge of the world

As you can see, they are HUMUNGOUS

As you can see, they are HUMUNGOUS

However, some mine crafters just mine to bedrock and then leave the mine and abandon it

However, some mine crafters just mine to bedrock and then leave the mine and abandon it

Those are the mining techniques i know. Thanks for viewing and please like, comment and follow THANKS😀

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