How to meditate for peace

There are many ways to meditate, this is just one way. It can be done anywhere you are. Of course a place of natural beauty is sweet to softly midwife you into a deeper connectedness. 🀄


Wear something that would not restrict movement. (you may later want to dance ;) Loose comfortable clothing, or naked...

Wear something that would not restrict movement. (you may later want to dance ;) Loose comfortable clothing, or naked...

Have a towel, mat or blanket to sit on creating a space within the greater space where you can settle on.

Have a towel, mat or blanket to sit on creating a space within the greater space where you can settle on.

Ideally find  a surface that will support your posture. Sand works great as you can shape it into a "zafu;" a rolled up towel, blanket or pillow will do too. Chairs for those of us  in our office.

Ideally find a surface that will support your posture. Sand works great as you can shape it into a "zafu;" a rolled up towel, blanket or pillow will do too. Chairs for those of us in our office.

Sit with ankles parallel and your hips open. This allows the knees to drop down, aligning your spine for heightened relaxation of nervous system, toning abdominals, and optimum meditation. Sukasana.

Sit with ankles parallel and your hips open. This allows the knees to drop down, aligning your spine for heightened relaxation of nervous system, toning abdominals, and optimum meditation. Sukasana.

Rest hands palm up or palm down on your knees. This gesture of palm up is a receiving cup or palm down, is of giving and grounding  a connection with earth.. More about Mudras (gestures) later...

Rest hands palm up or palm down on your knees. This gesture of palm up is a receiving cup or palm down, is of giving and grounding a connection with earth.. More about Mudras (gestures) later...

Take a moment of gratitude shifting the energy within. There are never enough moments to be thankful; by being grateful more opportunities to be thankful arise. 4-count inhale/exhale now thru nose.

Take a moment of gratitude shifting the energy within. There are never enough moments to be thankful; by being grateful more opportunities to be thankful arise. 4-count inhale/exhale now thru nose.

Perhaps your limbs have become numb during stillness, this will subside with practice.  With a deep inhalation slowly wiggle fingers, toes, move ankles, wrists, hips, shoulders, turn your head softly.

Perhaps your limbs have become numb during stillness, this will subside with practice. With a deep inhalation slowly wiggle fingers, toes, move ankles, wrists, hips, shoulders, turn your head softly.

The slower you come out of your stillness the quicker your nervous system will trust your indications to let go each time with more ease and clarity.

The slower you come out of your stillness the quicker your nervous system will trust your indications to let go each time with more ease and clarity.

  • A comfortable surface to support posture.
  • Something to gaze at without distraction.
  • Comfortable clothing.
  • Optional: a blanket, mat or towel.