How to meditate for inner peace

Meditate for Inner Peace


You'll need to be in loose clothes that you can move in, or naked- don't be afraid of your lack of clothes. Bare feet is A MUST!

You'll need to be in loose clothes that you can move in, or naked- don't be afraid of your lack of clothes. Bare feet is A MUST!

Now you need to find a place to meditate- an empty beach very early in the morning or late at night (5-6AM or 10-11PM) is my favourite place.

Listen to the calm splish-splosh of the waves on the sand. Breath in and out slowly the saltiness of the ocean.

Listen to the calm splish-splosh of the waves on the sand. Breath in and out slowly the saltiness of the ocean.

Sit cross-legged with bare feet parallel. Make sure that your legs, ankles and hips are loose and not tense.

Rest your hands on your knees, with your palms up or down for inner 'balance'. Do not think that meditation is purely religious; it can be used to calm you down.

Rest your hands on your knees, with your palms up or down for inner 'balance'. Do not think that meditation is purely religious; it can be used to calm you down.

Breath in through your nose for as long as possible, then out through your mouth until there is no air left. Repeat for 10-15 mins since this is your first meditation.

Make sure no one around you is smoking a cigarette, and there are no fires around you so as not to disturb your breathing. Start to stand up SLOWLY; stand up too fast and you may get numb or cramped.

Make sure you are ready to leave. Stand up when you are ready and not before- do not set any timers or reminders. You can meditate regardless of sex or race.

Make sure you are ready to leave. Stand up when you are ready and not before- do not set any timers or reminders. You can meditate regardless of sex or race.

Slip some sandals on, breathe in and out again. As you grow in confidence, try to meditate a little longer. I can meditate for hours.

The hardest part of meditation is getting distracted; all sorts of things may pop into your head about work, weird maths equations, or family. You just need to look over them and focus on breathing.

The hardest part of meditation is getting distracted; all sorts of things may pop into your head about work, weird maths equations, or family. You just need to look over them and focus on breathing.

Alternatively, if you only have a room to meditate in, you can download this free app (or upgrade to the full version) which has many calming sounds and the option to combine them. Beaches are best.

Alternatively, if you only have a room to meditate in, you can download this free app (or upgrade to the full version) which has many calming sounds and the option to combine them. Beaches are best.

Feel the sand in between your toes... Then nothing will distract you. After meditation, you can start (or end) your day.

The creator of this guide has not included tools