How to make yummy banana bread

Make Yummy Banana Bread


Preheat the oven to 350F then cream the butter and sugar. Beat until the butter is smooth and fluffy. You can do this by hand, but my little whiz makes life easy.

Preheat the oven to 350F then cream the butter and sugar. Beat until the butter is smooth and fluffy. You can do this by hand, but my little whiz makes life easy.

Tricks of the trade: Before you proceed, use the wrapper from the butter to grease the loaf pan.

Tricks of the trade: Before you proceed, use the wrapper from the butter to grease the loaf pan.

Line the bottom of the loaf pan with the butter wrapper to make the loaf come out easier after baking. Set aside for later.

Line the bottom of the loaf pan with the butter wrapper to make the loaf come out easier after baking. Set aside for later.

Now, add the eggs and beat into the creamed mixture.

Now, add the eggs and beat into the creamed mixture.

Beat until it's all mixed and lovely like this.

Beat until it's all mixed and lovely like this.

Get your bananas ready for mashing. I use old nasty looking ones because they mash easier. If you like, you can freeze old bananas and thaw them a few minutes beforehand.

Mash like a fiend with a fork.

Mash like a fiend with a fork.

Add bananas to creamed mixture and beat again.

Add bananas to creamed mixture and beat again.

Add the baking soda. I pat it into my palm first to remove any lumps.

Add the baking soda. I pat it into my palm first to remove any lumps.

Add the flour...

Add the flour...

Stir in the dry ingredients by hand so that you don't over mix.

Stir in the dry ingredients by hand so that you don't over mix.

Add the chocolate chips and walnuts and mix. The 1/2 C of chocolate chips is just a guideline - you be the judge of how much chocolatey goodness you'd like in your banana bread.

Add the chocolate chips and walnuts and mix. The 1/2 C of chocolate chips is just a guideline - you be the judge of how much chocolatey goodness you'd like in your banana bread.

Pour the batter into your greased and lined loaf pan.

Pour the batter into your greased and lined loaf pan.

Put the pan in the oven and bake for approximately 50 minutes. Place it in the middle if you can, for even cooking.

Put the pan in the oven and bake for approximately 50 minutes. Place it in the middle if you can, for even cooking.

Poke a toothpick into the centre of the loaf to see if it comes out clean. Bake it longer if you see batter on the toothpick. If the loaf gets too brown, cover the pan loosely with a piece of foil.

Poke a toothpick into the centre of the loaf to see if it comes out clean. Bake it longer if you see batter on the toothpick. If the loaf gets too brown, cover the pan loosely with a piece of foil.

Ta da! A little hard to see but my toothpick has no batter on it - only melted chocolate! Take it out of the oven and let it stand for 10 minutes.

Ta da! A little hard to see but my toothpick has no batter on it - only melted chocolate! Take it out of the oven and let it stand for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, turn out of the pan and peel the paper off the loaf. Watch out, the pan may still be hot!

After 10 minutes, turn out of the pan and peel the paper off the loaf. Watch out, the pan may still be hot!

Set the loaf  on a cooling rack.

Set the loaf on a cooling rack.

Slice a piece off while it's still warm. You've earned it!

  • 1/2c Butter (softened)
  • 1.0c White sugar
  • 2.0 Eggs
  • 1/2c Mashed banana (about 3 bananas worth)
  • 2.0c All purpose flour
  • 1.0tsp Baking soda
  • 1/2c Chocolate chips
  • 1/4c Chopped walnuts (optional)
  • 1.0 9x5 inch loaf pan