How to make your very own custom iphone/ios wallpaper

a way to setup your a document in Illustrator/Photoshop to create you own wallpaper for your iPhone or iPod


Open up Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, whichever you're most comfortable with πŸ‘ Go To --> File --> New

640 x 960 pixels = Retina (portrait)

640 x 960 pixels = Retina (portrait)

Now let's setup some guides to help us 😍

But first let's set your Zero's (go to next screen to learn how to do that)

Set vertical guides at: 67, 181, 243, 357, 419, 533, 595, 709, 803, 917 pixels (shown in next slide)

Let's move on to the horizontal guides \ud83d\udc4d (click to view large)

Let's move on to the horizontal guides πŸ‘ (click to view large)

Set horizontal guides at: 35, 148, 186, 300, 340, 454, 492, 606 pixels (shown in next slide)

Let's move on to making boxes in those guides \ud83d\udc4d(click to view large)

Let's move on to making boxes in those guides πŸ‘(click to view large)

If you've done that correctly, you should have something like the next screenπŸ’ƒ

Hooray \ud83d\ude0d

Hooray 😍

Now we're going to round these dudes out 😏

Under Relative: Set your Extra Width & Height to 0px & your Corner Radius to 20px πŸ‘Š

When you're all finished, save as a PNG & email it, Dropbox it, or whatever is easiest. Then set as your wallpaper. Yay!!

In your Photos: Use as Wallpaper --> Dont shrink or mess w/ it --> Set. Then check your masterpiece!!

In your Photos: Use as Wallpaper --> Dont shrink or mess w/ it --> Set. Then check your masterpiece!!

This was my final product. Hope you learned something new. 😍

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator