How to make your own personal diary

Make Your Own Personal Diary


this one is mine. now i did kind of basic but from a friend i can show you hoe she made hers which is really cute.

this one is mine. now i did kind of basic but from a friend i can show you hoe she made hers which is really cute.

now you'll start off with plan looking diary or journals covers

now you'll start off with plan looking diary or journals covers

now you will get your markers and make whatever design you want on your journal. be careful not to smudge. use a black marker first then use other colors to design.

now you will get your markers and make whatever design you want on your journal. be careful not to smudge. use a black marker first then use other colors to design.

now if you want to use glitter or keep just writing on it, you can. use the glitter along with some glue and try not to get chunky like glitter use small powder glitter.

now if you want to use glitter or keep just writing on it, you can. use the glitter along with some glue and try not to get chunky like glitter use small powder glitter.

now here's some stick on diamonds to use for more decorations on your creative journal. you can choose out of these colors or darker colors.

now here's some stick on diamonds to use for more decorations on your creative journal. you can choose out of these colors or darker colors.

here are the stickers, similar to the ones i used but these are the ones my friend used. these are really cute you can get these from and they sale various of these kind of stickers.

here are the stickers, similar to the ones i used but these are the ones my friend used. these are really cute you can get these from and they sale various of these kind of stickers.

this activity is a very easy activity that anybody can do. the most easy part i believe is just decorating ,there is no right nor wrong in you creative world. this is how hers turned out.

this was her journal and this is not the only one she had a hard cover to and different type of glitter was used too. its amazing how creative her mind can be.

this was her journal and this is not the only one she had a hard cover to and different type of glitter was used too. its amazing how creative her mind can be.

really gorgeous!!! i made mine just with stickers because i had to go somewhere important so i just used stickers. maybe next time i will show my creative side( im probably;y more creative than her:)

really gorgeous!!! i made mine just with stickers because i had to go somewhere important so i just used stickers. maybe next time i will show my creative side( im probably;y more creative than her:)

just being extra this is her well our second one because i helped her on this one. this is it is hope you enjoy it. click the like button or the dislike button your choice just doing my job(:(:(:

just being extra this is her well our second one because i helped her on this one.  this is it is hope you enjoy it. click the like button or the dislike button your choice just doing my job(:(:(:

  • solid color diary
  • stickers, glitter, diamonds and
  • markers and pencils
  • glue