How to make your own clue scenario

Make Your Own CLUE Scenario


Two people always remember nothing. Pick those two now.  I think Colonel Mustard and Rev. Green always look pretty out of it so I chose them. Mark nothing under their name, and the wheel #.

Two people always remember nothing. Pick those two now. I think Colonel Mustard and Rev. Green always look pretty out of it so I chose them. Mark nothing under their name, and the wheel #.

First, change Mr. Body's whelk to the place you want. Mark the place and wheel # in your notebook.

First, change Mr. Body's whelk to the place you want. Mark the place and wheel # in your notebook.

Pick the guilty person. Miss. Peach always looks too innocent to be true so I chose to make her guilty.

Pick the guilty person. Miss. Peach always looks too innocent to be true so I chose to make her guilty.

Then, decide who you want lying (or no one), by adjusting Inspector Brown's wheel. I don't like Mrs. White so she always lies in my scenarios. Mark his clue and wheel #.

Then, decide who you want lying (or no one), by adjusting Inspector Brown's wheel. I don't like Mrs. White so she always lies in my scenarios. Mark his clue and wheel #.

Decide the liar's clue, if you chose to have one. Make sure she says something not true about the guilty person. Mark what [s]he says, and the wheel #.

Decide the liar's clue, if you chose to have one. Make sure she says something not true about the guilty person. Mark what [s]he says, and the wheel #.

This is about how your notebook should look by now.

This is about how your notebook should look by now.

Change the last three or four wheels according to the guilty person. Mark what they say and their wheel #. Cancel out suspects to make sure it makes sense.

Change the last three or four wheels according to the guilty person. Mark what they say and their wheel #. Cancel out suspects to make sure it makes sense.

Lastly, think of a crazy story behind the crime. Have fun! Write the outcome and answers on the reverse side.

Lastly, think of a crazy story behind the crime. Have fun! Write the outcome and answers on the reverse side.

  • CLUE people stations
  • Pencil and paper
  • CLUE detective's notebook