Two people always remember nothing. Pick those two now. I think Colonel Mustard and Rev. Green always look pretty out of it so I chose them. Mark nothing under their name, and the wheel #.
First, change Mr. Body's whelk to the place you want. Mark the place and wheel # in your notebook.
Pick the guilty person. Miss. Peach always looks too innocent to be true so I chose to make her guilty.
Then, decide who you want lying (or no one), by adjusting Inspector Brown's wheel. I don't like Mrs. White so she always lies in my scenarios. Mark his clue and wheel #.
Decide the liar's clue, if you chose to have one. Make sure she says something not true about the guilty person. Mark what [s]he says, and the wheel #.
This is about how your notebook should look by now.
Change the last three or four wheels according to the guilty person. Mark what they say and their wheel #. Cancel out suspects to make sure it makes sense.
Lastly, think of a crazy story behind the crime. Have fun! Write the outcome and answers on the reverse side.
- CLUE people stations
- Pencil and paper
- CLUE detective's notebook
Coolwhip Cat
I'm a runner, reader, and photographer. I'll post guides on how to excel in school, be healthier, take unique pics, and some misc. stuff!
Hamburg, Germany
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