How to make your own classical music listening reflection



Choose a group to work with. It can be trio, pair or even solo.

Choose a group to work with. It can be trio, pair or even solo.

Download or photocopy a blank reflection form.

Download or photocopy a blank reflection form.

Choose ANY CLASSICAL MUSIC of your choice whether you listen it from a cd, from or just simply downloading it to the internet and storing it to your iPods, mp3, players, celphones, etc.

Choose ANY CLASSICAL MUSIC of your choice whether you listen it from a cd, from or just simply downloading it to the internet and storing it to your iPods, mp3, players, celphones, etc.

Listen to 2 CLASSICAL MUSIC selections a week.

Listen to 2 CLASSICAL MUSIC selections a week.

Research a short info for your chosen selection to be written in the column, "BRIEF DESCRIPTION" at your reflection form.

Research a short info for your chosen selection to be written in the column, "BRIEF DESCRIPTION" at your reflection form.

Write your personal opinions/feelings at the form too.

Write your personal opinions/feelings at the form too.

Pass 2 reflections EVERY WEEK. (4 for pairs, 6 for trios).

Pass 2 reflections EVERY WEEK. (4 for pairs, 6 for trios).

Be ready for a RANDOM sharing EVERY WEEK.

Be ready for a RANDOM sharing EVERY WEEK.

New reflections must be submitted EVERY WEEK.

New reflections must be submitted EVERY WEEK.

  • Individual or a group with 2-3 members
  • 14.0 Classical music selections of your choice
  • 1.0 Reflection form to be downloaded
  • 1.0 Reflection per selection (makes 2 individually)