How to make your own cheap dry shampoo!

Dry shampoo is so darn expensive! But with this recipe you can make it yourself with cheap products around the house!


Gather supplies.

I doubled my recipe by 5 so I put about 25 tablespoons of water in my bottle.

I doubled my recipe by 5 so I put about 25 tablespoons of water in my bottle.

Add 5 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol.

5 tablespoons of corn starch.

5 tablespoons of corn starch.

Shake! This will need I be shaken each time you use it.

Shake! This will need I be shaken each time you use it.

Spray onto hair until damp. Blow dry then rub in. It may look a little white until you fluff and rub your hair. When rubbing, don't use your fingers. Use your palms.

Hope this helps! Have a great day!

  • 1.0Tbsp Corn starch
  • 1.0Tbsp Rubbing alcohol
  • 5.0Tbsp Water
  • An empty Spray bottle