How to make your next addiction: firecrackers

Make Your Next Addiction: FIRECRACKERS


Get a small container that you can put a ziplock bag over. This will free up your hands and help you not make a mess :)

Get a small container that you can put a ziplock bag over. This will free up your hands and help you not make a mess :)

Pour in the oil

Pour in the oil

Add the garlic powder

Add the garlic powder

Add the ranch powder

Add the ranch powder

Add the red pepper flakes if you don't want it really hot, only put 1.5 tablespoons. If you like it a little hotter, put 3 tablespoons. I usually put 3.

Add the red pepper flakes if you don't want it really hot, only put 1.5 tablespoons. If you like it a little hotter, put 3 tablespoons. I usually put 3.

Whisk well to combine.

Whisk well to combine.

Add the entire box of crackers. Seal the bag. The zipper bags are best for this so you know it's sealed.

Add the entire box of crackers. Seal the bag. The zipper bags are best for this so you know it's sealed.

Shake, shake, shake until covered. Shake again every 15 minutes until the oil soaks into the crackers. It should be done after about an hour.

Shake, shake, shake until covered. Shake again every 15 minutes until the oil soaks into the crackers. It should be done after about an hour.

You can also use a big Tupperware container. This was my first batch. (I made 2). It makes it easier to toss but you have to clean it. Ease or disposable. Pick your poison.

That's it! Super simple. Thanks for checking out my guide. Feel free to leave comments or questions. Follow me if you like what you see. :)

  • 1.0 Box Saltine Crackers
  • 1/3c Canola Oil
  • 1.0c Packet Ranch Dressing Powder
  • 1.0tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1/2Tbsp Red Pepper Flakes