How to make your mouthwash accessible with style

Make Your Mouthwash Accessible With Style


You can avoid clutter, make frequently used grooming products more accessible and stylish by storing them in different containers.

You can avoid clutter, make frequently used grooming products more accessible and stylish by storing them in different containers.

Here is a way to store your mouthwash. Start with any clean bottle. Select a glass bottle that reflects your style, from something simple to very ornate. Make sure the bottle is safe for consumables.

Here is a way to store your mouthwash. Start with any clean bottle. Select a glass bottle that reflects your style, from something simple to very ornate. Make sure the bottle is safe for consumables.

Clean and make sure your glass bottle is dry. Then grab your favorite mouthwash.

Clean and make sure your glass bottle is dry. Then grab your favorite mouthwash.

Slowly pour your mouthwash into the glass bottle. It may help to do this over a sink in case of a spill.

Slowly pour your mouthwash into the glass bottle. It may help to do this over a sink in case of a spill.

Once full, you can use any decorative topper for the bottle.

Once full, you can use any decorative topper for the bottle.

You can also use a wine cork as a closure for the top for a more simple, minimalist look.

You can also use a wine cork as a closure for the top for a more simple, minimalist look.

Place your mouthwash by the sink. It is now handy when you need it and decorative at the same time!

Place your mouthwash by the sink. It is now handy when you need it and decorative at the same time!

  • 1 Glass Bottle
  • 1 Wine Cork or decorative bottle topper
  • Your Favorite Mouthwash