How to make wavy journal lines

Make Wavy Journal Lines


Using any one of the Fun Border Trails set....

Using any one of the Fun Border Trails set....

Trace along the Designer Template onto your paper, with a pencil to create journaling lines.

Trace along the Designer Template onto your paper, with a pencil to create journaling lines.

Slide it down and repeat multiple times.

Slide it down and repeat multiple times.

Write your journaling above the lines following the wave, using a pencil. Just in case you spell something wrong or change what you say. Pencil is helpful for free writing.

Write your journaling above the lines following the wave, using a pencil. Just in case you spell something wrong or change what you say. Pencil is helpful for free writing.

Take a pen that you like and trace on top of your pencil.

Take a pen that you like and trace on top of your pencil.

Let it dry then erase the pencil.

Let it dry then erase the pencil.

I liked the look of the lines showing in pencil instead of the pen so I just quickly drew the pencil lines again under my words. Or you don't have to have lines at all.

I liked the look of the lines showing in pencil instead of the pen so I just quickly drew the pencil lines again under my words. Or you don't have to have lines at all.

Add a little color or dots. And your done!

  • Any Trails Fun Borders
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Writing pen