How to make velveeta fudge

Make Velveeta Fudge


Get 2pounds of pouder sugar

Get 2pounds of pouder sugar

1half pound of velveeta cheese and butter

1half pound of velveeta cheese and butter

Half a cup of Hershey's cocoa

Half a cup of Hershey's cocoa

1teaspoon of vanilla

1teaspoon of vanilla

1cup of pecans

1cup of pecans

Buttered 9 x 13 glass baking dish

Buttered 9 x 13 glass baking dish

Cut the cheese and butter into squares

Cut the cheese and butter into squares

Put into large bowl

Put into large bowl

Microwave for 4 min.

Microwave for 4 min.

Stir even 30 sec.

Stir even 30 sec.

Get half a cup of cocoa

Get half a cup of cocoa

Get 1 cup of pecans

Get 1 cup of pecans

Stir cheese after finished

Stir cheese after finished

Add in the powder sugar

Add in the powder sugar

Add in the cocoa

Add in the cocoa

Add 1 teaspoon of vannila

Add 1 teaspoon of vannila

This is what it looks like when all added

This is what it looks like when all added

Then blend till all mixed together

Then blend till all mixed together

This is what it looks like when done blending

This is what it looks like when done blending

Then add the pecans

Then add the pecans

Then stir in pecans with a spatula

Then stir in pecans with a spatula

Then pour into the pan

Then pour into the pan

And spread across the pan

And spread across the pan

The refrigerate for 2hours or over night

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients