How to make valentine's day goody bags

Assemble easy and inexpensive last minute goody bags!


Cut the index cards in half.

Cut the index cards in half.

Draw something cute on the index cards. Leave space beneath it for a message.

Draw something cute on the index cards. Leave space beneath it for a message.

Use your construction paper to make special details like hearts.

Use your construction paper to make special details like hearts.

Use your glue stick to affix your details accordingly.

Use your glue stick to affix your details accordingly.

Add a message.

Add a message.

Don't forget the back side.

Don't forget the back side.

Now add the finished cards and some candy to the goody bags and voil\u00e0!

Now add the finished cards and some candy to the goody bags and voilà!

Here's one I made for my hubby.  (Front).

Here's one I made for my hubby. (Front).



Happy Valentine's Day!! Enjoy! \u2764

Happy Valentine's Day!! Enjoy! ❤

  • Blank Index cards
  • 1.0 Pair of Scissors
  • 1.0 Red Construction Paper
  • 1.0 Glue Stick
  • 1.0 Red Ink Pen
  • Ziplock Goody Bags
  • Assorted Valentine's Day Candy