How to make ugly stained cutting boards white again!

These are the white nylon or plastic ones that get stained from foods. No scrubbing needed to restore them to their new clean look


BEFORE.  Over a few weeks, despite cleaning after each use, stains develop....

BEFORE. Over a few weeks, despite cleaning after each use, stains develop....

Run an inch or so of hot water in sink and pour generous amount of bleach into water... A cup or less should do it.

Run an inch or so of hot water in sink and pour generous amount of bleach into water... A cup or less should do it.

Lay boards into water & bleach and let soak an hour or so.

Lay boards into water & bleach and let soak an hour or so.

I added my sink liner which also needed brightening. Careful when removing... Do not splash. Drain sink and rinse off cutting boards.

I added my sink liner which also needed brightening. Careful when removing... Do not splash. Drain sink and rinse off cutting boards.

AFTER!  Clean & white!

AFTER! Clean & white!

Careful not to splash on your clothing or you can ruin a garment! Do not touch your clothes with your wet fingers. I do not think a guide exists that will fix the damage straight bleach can do!

Next time they look this way you will be able to restore easily!

  • 1.0c bleach
  • Laundry sink
  • Water